Step 1 : We are delighted to announce the launch of the Euclidee Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Scholarship Program, an initiative designed to support and empower the next generation of leaders. Established in 2009, Euclidee is an IT company that believes in giving back to society. At Euclidee, we are committed to the transformative power of education and aim to foster the talents of students who demonstrate exceptional potential and a strong commitment to their academics. The Euclidee Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Scholarship Program is tailored for students who are driven to make significant contributions to their fields and communities. Through this program, we aim to provide financial assistance, mentorship, and internship opportunities to deserving candidates, helping them achieve their educational goals and prepare for successful careers. Our scholarship recipients will benefit from financial support to ease their academic journey. Join us in shaping your future by applying for the Euclidee Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Scholarship Program. Terms and Conditions: Applicant should be Student of the School. Applicant must maintain minimum 60% grade in his/her academics. Scholarship will only be continued if applicant maintained his/her minimum requirement of grades in monthly, half-yearly, annually exams. Discontinuation of scholarship can be done anytime if he/she fails to maintain their grades requirement. Scholarship maybe withdraw or terminated if applicant fails to maintain eligibility criteria, violates school policies or engage in misconduct. Receipts who withdraw from the school or change their enrolment status will lead to forfeit of scholarship. Scholarship funds will only be used for educational expenses directly. Scholarship funds will be disbursed directly to the recipient's educational institution to be applied toward tuition, fees, books, or others educational expenses. Applicant must remain enrolled as full-time student. Applicant must adhere to the code of conduct and academic integrity policies of the school. Applicants must complete the official scholarship application form by the specified deadline. Submission of all required documents and proper documentation is mandatory. The scholarship will be granted annually and will be renewed if the applicant meets the minimum grade requirements. The scholarship will cover 50% of the school fees. Submission of the last three months' fee slips along with the parents' salary slips as proof of salary is mandatory. I agree to these Terms and Conditions. Next Step 2 : Student Details Student Name Last Name Date Of Birth Email Address Aadhar Card Number Enter Class Name Roll Number Marks(%) In Previous Class School Fee(Rs) Select GenderMaleFemale Number of siblings012345678910 Upload last 3 months fee receipt ❌ ❌ BackNext Step 3 : Parent Details Mother Detail Mother Name Mother Occupation Mother Mobile Number Mother Pan Card Number Mother Aadhar Number Mother Monthly Income(Rs) Mother Office Name Mother Office Address Father Detail Father Name Father Occupation Father Mobile Number Father Pan Card Number Father Aadhar Number Father Monthly Income(Rs) Father Office Name Father Office Address BackNext Step 4 : Address Temporary Address House Number Street/Location City/Town Village State District Pincode Permanant Address House Number Street/Location City/Town Village State District Pincode House Own/Rent OWNRENTED 6464Δ